Alright, Let's spell this out for you.
PlayerX: "WTS CONSET! 7K"
<team of 8>: We need that conset. All of us chip in to get it.
<Player1> I already have 875g. All of you gives me 875.
Player2 gives 875. Now at 1750.
Player3 gives 875. Now at 2625.
Player4 gives 875. Now at 3500.
Player5 gives 875. Now at 4375.
Player6 gives 875. Now at 5250.
Player7 gives 875. Now at 6125.
Player8 gives 875. Now at 7000.
Player1: Hey, PlayerX! Here's your 7k, gimmegimme conset.
Make sense now? They're all using the conset, they all pay for the conset.
The only difference between this and if the person already has the conset is that player1 is now also known as playerx.